Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thing 21

Okay....... into the library comes one of my " moms" who is new to the internet! Since she was smart enough to have taken advantage of LPL's computer classes, I'd start her out with a user-friendly information site like Google, where she can explore many topics without getting too frustrated. Good parenting sites for moms would include the two magazines we subscribe to: parenting.com, parents.com and a new one I found on the top 50, babble.com. which cover all aspects of parenting. (I use these sites myself for program enhancement and craft ideas). Of course, YouTube and GodTube has to be included for a fun break and to learn how to add things to the mix. Downloading music on the wish list? Try grooveshark, save money and make some tunes for the kids... and yourself! Then when this person says she needs some exercise but is intimidated by the gym, I'll tell her about Fit by Fun, where they can exercise in the comfort of their own home with a personal "trainer". And you have to join Facebook and Flickr to keep up with the relatives in California and New York. Financial woes? Go to clarkhoward.com for the best advice on everything from Roth IRAs to college funding for those kids. Take it slow, newbie, and be brave!

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