Monday, February 14, 2011

Thing 17 and 18

Thing 17 I'm on a few social sites. I like the ones for my photography and music. Online communities are a great way to keep in touch with family and friends. Thing 18 If I had to recommend a social site for child I would go with ScuttlePad. It seems the safest with the preset communication. I don't like giving out credit card information so I wouldn't recommend What's What. But first I would instead tell a parent to research social networking through any and all media. In my search for social sites for children I came across information about what these websites can do to a young child’s mind. So not only does a parent need to worry about the safety issue but also about the emotional & psychological issues. Linkedin would give a company or person great first person connections and business information. One of the con's is their term of third degree connections. "This is to gain an introduction to someone through a mutual trusted contact." Am I being cynical saying everyone can be trusted! Hmmm! In my life I've meet people who can't be trusted. Seeing is believing and I don't believe it. Sorry! I would not say anything about this site unless someone asked. Webjunction seems easy to navigate. I wouldn't purchase any of the online course. Some of the courses you can find tutorials on the internet for free if you just google the course name. I liked some of the discussions. Webjunction seems to have everything from Library Management to a blogging section. The Largo Public Library and staff could use this site for gathering information on how other libraries and staff share information, solve problems and create a productive environment.

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