Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thing 6

I'm aging faster than technology is.....that is not to say that I don't enjoy learning some new things. I thought that the BLURB was excellent. This is a great tool to help me write a picture for and about my boys when they were little. Something to really remember me by. I was intrigued by the MyPicsMap, but I am afraid it will send me on a traveling frenzy. Flogr has a string of things that I may actually use personally...on my own time, can you imagine. BigHugeLabs is a really neat thing to mess around with. Spell with Flickr was cutesy. I don't know that I will ever really take my personal time to share my photos online. I am not uneasy about it other than I will not post my granddaughter, but I do not plan on spending any more time on the computer at home than is necessary to do what I already do. But who knows, that is why it is important to learn about new things and try to keep abreast of some of what's happening in the world of technology.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, very important to stay aware of what's new in the tech world - exactly why we are doing this program. Glad you see some value!! : ) P.S Love your hip-hop elf!!!
