Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thing 13

I explored all three sites. The Largo Public Library is out there on the web.  It seems to depend on your search terms on each of the three sites as to how much information you can find about the library.  When I put in the search term Largo Library I had more hits then when I put in Largo Public Library.  If I added the term Florida to the search I would get even more hits.  I think a lot of it depends on your search terms. 

I think a lot of people are unaware that Largo Public Library is out there on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube etc.   We should be advertising this fact in the monthly calender, on books marks and the marquee sign. Also make a book mark that shows Largo Public Library's blog page.

I think I could spend a lot of time on these site searching different interest.  I like that I can go to one of these sites and search and it will pull up blogs, social networking site, news sites and put it all on one page.  Again this is bringing the information to me from all the sites and letting me pick and choose where I get my info from.

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