Monday, November 15, 2010

Thing 5

I watched the Commoncraft video on the Photosharing and found it a clear and concise way to explain the basic concept.  I chose Flickr since I am familiar with Yahoo, and its step-by-step instructions and explanations are pretty easy to follow.  All the ways to catolog and share the photos can be overwhelming, but the basic set up is all I can see me using at this time, so no problem there.  I also don't feel comfortable with the whole idea of such large scale public sharing, but the options for privacy are useful.
I do have some questions on the linking of the flickr account and pictures to the blog page... I am assuming we need to add the gadget "Link List" to the blog page, and set up an external blog connection with the photosharing site to post pictures, at least I think that is what I understood from the flickr site...

Team, do you have any thoughts on this??


  1. You know I did the RSS Feed to post my picture. Should I try the other way that you're (Superant)writing about?

  2. I did it wrong, were suppose to post a link. Sorry guys.
