Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thing 7

This was fun!

 I like the expression on the face of the frog!!

Thing 6

I checked out the FD's Flickr Toys. I've used this app before to make a mosaic of some of my pictures. The HTML5 Kaleidoscope is a app that once you load the picture in the kaleidoscope, you move your mouse around and the pattern changes.  I enjoyed this app, what neat kaleidoscopes that were made with this application.  Trippermap allows you to map your photos.  Then you can use google earth to browse your photos. I think it’s fun to share photos online, it another way to see and remember the moments of life.

I really wished I would of put a cover on my book.  How bland!!!
                N    letter O    v    letter e    hangman tile blue letter M    B    letter E    letter R

More Key West

Beautiful place...who's up for a trip?

3 of my Key West pictures

Key West, one of my favorite places!

Image generator

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

t for tumbleweed letter H letter I letter n Ben Eine Letter g Block Number 7

ImageChef.com I Am Awesome

Monday, November 29, 2010

letter T h I letter n letter G Block Number 6

In the Apps Garden, I explored Jigsawed which lets you make photos into puzzles. This would be a fun way to keep puzzle lovers happy. I also checked out Your Contacts recent Faves which is a quick and time saving way to see a random assortment of what your contacts have just recently posted, and MyPicsMap which categorizes photos to a world map. This would be cool in keeping track of the travels of family and friends, and would also be a good resource in seeing what places really look like for future travels.
I could see using some of these apps in sending more creative e-greetings to family and friends, and one could really make some sharp advertising posters, badges, etc. for business.
It's fun and rather helpful to have access to a vast assortment of photos via the internet, but I still have my reservations about the safety of internet sharing, esp. personal related images, and often times see a lack of prudence in what some like to share. Sometimes, it makes me think it is fostering a narcissistic tendency in society, especially in the young, where "image" seems to be all that matters.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thing 4

I signed for Google Reader and picked several news leads. This was selfishly done not to necessarily benefit my blog team, but to make my travel planning even easier. I also added recipes to facilitate getting to eat quicker and relatively healthier after spending way too much time on the computer looking at the other leads.


Great pictures everyone. Love them.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Super Ant!

Originally uploaded by Superant20
Take me to your leader!!

Thing 5

Originally uploaded by Superant20
Posting my pix from Flickr
So, I "configured my external blog", and it is very easy now to share pictures thru Flickr.  I noticed that when you click on a photo posted, it gives access to other pictures stored in the photostream, so having the "photosharing link" can be redundant, n'est pas?
...interesting "know-how" to say the least!

And yes, Patty A. thanks for your guidance, and Patty E. for other ideas to try!

Elias and Raymond

Originally uploaded by emuschne
This is my son Elias and his favorite mascot RAYMOND, Dads favorite to.


Originally uploaded by emuschne
I have a headach

Thing 3

My Google Reader enables me to view all the travel info I want as it comes to me. Sure beats spending hours 'googling' all these places. I would never want to forget all the great recipes too. I'm gonna find one to keep me up-to-date with my favorite authors later.

Thing 1 and Thing 2

The video shows just how practical it is (as well as easy) to use the web to share the good, bad and ugly with friends and/or foes.

What does Library 2.0 mean to me? It provides a relatively simple way to play with peoples' minds while you're helping them. (joke, guys)

Thing 5

Thanks for all your help today, Patty A! I'll be able to do the pix thing on my own one of there days. Beautiful pix, Patty E and Mary! Wow, u both could go pro!

Thing 5

Hi Team, finally got a picture uploaded for url.

Thing 5

I have a lot to learn about this blogging stuff....It is has been fun learning new stuff but can be a headache too. I have learned a lot with the help of are LEADER Patty A.

Thanks Patty A. for helping guide me through this.


Thing 5

Learning to do this picture thing!!!

Thing 1

Video of collaborating musicians was neat, shows some of the possibilities out there. Can interactive story time be far behind? :) It does feel like a tsunami at times but the goal is to learn to surf the wave. Like any tool, this could be a great thing for education, enjoyment and discovery. Concerns of privacy and security linger? We'll see...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thing 5

I've had my flickr account since 2008. I also post on wunder photo, facebook and my hometown newspaper forum page under different screen names.

I posted the link to my flickr account, it's at the top right. Team if you don't want it there we can move it.

Nicodemus: "

OneShot! posted a photo:

OneShot! is my flickr screen name. Isn't he gorgeous. Nicodemus

He's a full Pekingese. He'll be 16 years old on March 2011."

I am use to posting photos. Some of the sites I visit people will post old photos. I love it.

Thing 5

I watched the Commoncraft video on the Photosharing and found it a clear and concise way to explain the basic concept.  I chose Flickr since I am familiar with Yahoo, and its step-by-step instructions and explanations are pretty easy to follow.  All the ways to catolog and share the photos can be overwhelming, but the basic set up is all I can see me using at this time, so no problem there.  I also don't feel comfortable with the whole idea of such large scale public sharing, but the options for privacy are useful.
I do have some questions on the linking of the flickr account and pictures to the blog page... I am assuming we need to add the gadget "Link List" to the blog page, and set up an external blog connection with the photosharing site to post pictures, at least I think that is what I understood from the flickr site...

Team, do you have any thoughts on this??

Team Mates did you know?

Did you know?

So team mates, did you know we have to do discovery exercises?

If you click on Thing 1: Web 2.0 and why do I care?

Then scroll about half way down the page you'll see the discovery exercise list. How did I miss this??? So I had to go back!!! It's like starting over!!

At least Thing 2: Blog Building we already did!

Things 1 and 2

Things 1

The video is a fun way to show how the web can bring people together.

My answer to the question of what does Library 2.0 mean to me is that libraries must constantly evolve and update library services to better serve the patrons.

Things 2

We made our blog on Thur the 11th. Mary was the typist. I thought our blog was quite creative and colorful.


Hi team, this is just to let you know I added Patty A as a contributor.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Things 3 and 4

Alright,, my Google reader is full of info just waiting to be perused, with sites of my interest and a few of the library sites; now it is just making time to do so.  It is a convenient way to gather further and up-to-date info on important topics and interests.


Hi team!  As I am sure you noticed, was just having fun fooling around with the design.  Much more colorful!
Feel free to change things, too!

Things 3 & 4

Wow! Lots of info, overwhelming but with practice I'm sure it'll come together and be so helpful.

RSS Review

I find the idea completely fascinating and look forward to all that travel info coming to me.....wahoo, more trips quicker. I chose googleread and plan to expand my new empire.

Things 3 & 4

Thing 3

I've signed up for a google reader.

Thing 4

I like the RSS because it sends the newsfeed to my google reader account. I don't have to go to that website for the information, it's sent to me and save me valuable time.

This tool will be so useful in my personal life because now I can have the information come to my reader account and I won't waste time going to each individual site.

Patrons can subscribe to the RSS feed on City Of Largo: Library Blogs page and get information sent to their reader account.

Thing 3 & 4

Thing 3 video was helpful in getting started....Thought that video was to fast and thought that they where rushing teach us.

As for thing 4... I think that i will like the different variety's that i have to choose from. I think i will use this in the future after i learn more about this.

Team members

Great Job.....

Thanks Mary...

...for being our excellent typist!

Thing1and 2

Blogging, blogging, blah, blah, blah!  Once this all sinks in it might be fun! I thank my team for their patience!
As I read one blogger's comment, this web interaction does show "the good, the bad, and the ugly"!  I myself have found it useful in learning things otherwise not easily accessible or cataloged, like cooking instructions, recipes and even dance steps;  this is one of the points brought to attention from reading a couple of the Library 2.0 articles...the need for libraries to realize and adjust to the reality of information being more readily accessible through the web rather than from print. But for all its apparent good points, the cons, that are inevitable, can't be minimized either; for it also can be a more easily accessible "Pandora's box", opening up a whole can of unnecessary and often times inappropriate material and images, by those who don't understand prudence or the need for a healthy respect toward knowledge...which although enlightening can also be destructive when acquired and used unwisely.  It brings to mind that quote from the movie Jurassic Park....they were "so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

We did it!

We b the girls...and a baby!


This is really quite interesting. What a day! Verna give me a break!!!

My new Blog

Starting this new BLOG has been so much fun i could jump off of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. But since i have to work today and i have a wonderful TEAM i will stay awhile.

Starting out on a blog

Everybody will tell you how easy this is.....for myself I feel that everybody needs to discover this for themselves......ha ha ha